Notice: IP bans

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Joined: November 19th, 2011, 5:08 pm

Notice: IP bans

Post by William »

I have begun to issue IP address bans for users established for the sole purpose of posting forum spam on my forums. All of the banned IP addresses so far are outside the USA at this time.
EDIT: I have encountered one spam user originating from a Google Cloud server. Still, I have not found any IP addresses allocated to a US-based residential service.

If you encounter an IP ban but you are a legitimate user (for instance were assigned an IP address previously used by a spammer) please use the contact form at to let me know so I can lift the block.

Please note that if I lift an IP block then receive spam from that IP address I may no longer accept any requests to unblock it, or if I find the IP is in a range that is known to be spam-friendly I may block the entire IP address range as defined by the CIDR allocation for that range.
Site Admin
Posts: 181
Joined: November 19th, 2011, 5:08 pm

Notice: IP and e-mail bans

Post by William »

In order to try to stem the tide of spambots, I have expanded to e-mail bans for those bots.