First look at DXGL and a question about shaders

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First look at DXGL and a question about shaders

Post by jclampy »

Wow! I am stunned.
Just tried it out on a game and worked perfectly.

RayForce (DirectDraw) fullscreen 1280x960 @ 60FPS
Perfect scrolling and rock solid 60FPS.
WinXP32, ATI HD4670 AGP. DXGL v0.4.0
Video Card VSync OFF and WITHOUT DXGL = 600+FPS (640x480@75Hz)
Video Card VSync ON and WITHOUT DXGL = 600+FPS (640x480@75Hz)
Video Card VSync OFF and WITH DXGL = 100+FPS (1280x960@60Hz)
Video Card VSync ON and WITH DXGL = 60FPS (1280x960@60Hz)

Can't wait to try some more games out. This looks very promising indeed!

A question about shader support though. Can we use our own custom shaders or is that not fully implemented yet?
I was going to try using a HQ2x.fx or Cartoon.fx shader but they don't seem to be activating.

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Re: First look at DXGL and a question about shaders

Post by William »

Custom shaders is not currently implemented.
Please note that .fx shaders will not be supported as they are meant for Direct3D, not OpenGL.
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