Feature request: .cfg file

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Feature request: .cfg file

Post by ZoriaRPG »

I'd like to request a secondary config file, dxgl.cfg as a plain-text file with the following format:

settings = file.ini

This will allow bundling a set of .ini files, and selecting a desired file with a launcher (in our case, ZCL) before programme init. Thus, different video options such as fullscreen versus windowed camn be set without the user needing to set up the software.
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Re: Feature request: .cfg file

Post by William »

I'll consider it, as well as checking if the embedded inih library can handle it in the format you give (whitespace around the =).
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Re: Feature request: .cfg file

Post by William »

Does it need to be a separate .cfg file or can it be an optional directive in dxgl.ini?

EDIT: I'll add dxgl.cfg as an alternative file (first priority), and make the parser switch configuration files upon parsing an AlternateConfigFile Include directive (with protection against recursion).

For 0.5.17, I currently do not plan on implementing Include for installation control directives, specifically NoOverwrite, BundledDDrawSHA256, and NoUninstall. If you use those to protect a Steam release of your software from tampering by DXGL Config, they will need to be put in your root configuration file.
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