Uninstalled DXGL; Zelda Classic cont. chngn desktop res.

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Uninstalled DXGL; Zelda Classic cont. chngn desktop res.

Post by dbjordan »

I tried using DXGL to play Zelda Classic (ZC) fullscreen but it was too slow on my computer. Until I find a way to optimize it, I intended to play ZC windowed and scaled to 1200x960. I uninstalled DXGL in the meantime.

However, now every time I launch ZC, it changes my desktop resolution to 640x480. I wiped out ZC and reinstalled it to make sure it wasn't in its config files. I think DXGL left some lingering affects on my system. How do I make it so that ZC will stop changing my desktop resolution when it runs?
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Re: Uninstalled DXGL; Zelda Classic cont. chngn desktop res.

Post by William »

Your problem seems to be unrelated to DXGL. To be sure DXGL is not installed, make sure that there is no copy of ddraw.dll in your ZC folder or any folder in your PATH environment variable other than %WINDIR%\System32 or %WINDIR%\SysWOW64. If you copied the ddraw.dll file to your system folder (which should not happen if using the included configuration program), immediately remove it and run the command "sfc /scannow" in an administrator Command Prompt to repair your system.
Maybe your operating system has a compatibility option set to run at 640x480? Try right clicking zelda-w and clicking Properties. Click the Compatibility tab and make sure "Run in 640x480 screen resolution" is unchecked.
Finally, a fresh installation of Zelda Classic runs at 640x480 fullscreen by default. Open ag.cfg in Notepad and change the resx and resy values under the [zeldadx] header to your desktop resolution, and beware that it only properly supports 8-bit color so under Windows XP, Vista, and 7 you may experience weird colors and under 8 and 8.1 you may experience low framerate.