Website issues

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Website issues

Post by William »

I'm aware of issues with the DXGL websites, and am working to get the site running in a stable manner again. Please be patient. If the main site doesn't work, you may still attempt to download DXGL at which does not depend on PHP or MySQL to operate.

All source code since November 2019 is now hosted on GitHub at which GitHub, Inc. is responsible for hosting.
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Re: Website issues

Post by William »

I removed a service that was getting hit constantly with attempted attacks, and causing its logs to fill the storage and cause the MySQL and PHP services to crash.
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Joined: November 19th, 2011, 5:08 pm

Re: Website issues

Post by William »

There is a little breakage in the phpBB installation, but I currently consider it low priority; if you cannot sign up then that would be an issue.
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Re: Website issues

Post by William »

Upgraded the phpBB installation to the latest 3.3.3; tested signup and it seems to be working correctly; make sure your browser can handle the reCAPTCHA v3 challenge present on the signup page.

For only the phpBB installation, PHP has been updated to 8.0 as it is now certified to work with phpBB. The WordPress installation on the homepage will be updated if it runs stable.
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Joined: November 19th, 2011, 5:08 pm

Re: Website issues

Post by William »

It appears website issues have currently subsided, except for occasional CPU usage alerts from my host caused by a runaway MySQL process, however the site seems to be perfectly fast when it's happening.

EDIT: The CPU usage has been traced to attempted brute force attacks on the WordPress installation. Blocking the IP actively attacking by using iptables caused an immediate drop in CPU usage.

EDIT 2: Installed a fail2ban filter, this has stopped the attacks.